Sampling of Azores seabirds with camera-traps - Year 2019

Sampling event
Versão mais recente published by Universidade dos Açores on mar. 14, 2023 Universidade dos Açores
Publication date:
14 de março de 2023
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Universidade dos Açores
CC-BY-NC 4.0

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The Azores holds the largest population of Cory´s shearwater Calonectris borealis (Cory, 1881) in the world. One of the major threats of this species in the Azores is the predation by invasive mammals, which were introduced from European colonization of the islands. The present publication provides a data set from a camera-trapping survey performed in colonies of Cory’s shearwater. The sampling was conducted between 8 April and 23 October of 2019, covering the entire breeding season, in three colonies of the Terceira Island (Azores). A total of 32 nests were sampled using motion-triggered cameras. This publication aims to provide information about the ecological patterns of the Cory Shearwater, and to identify potential nest predators. This publication includes a total of 6972 records across 15 species (9 species of birds, 5 of mammals and 1 of reptiles), which 5414 records are of Cory’s shearwater, 478 of potential mammal predators and 1080 of another vertebrate species. Information about biology of the species is also provided, as species circadian behaviour and habitat description.

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Pesquisadores deveriam citar esta obra da seguinte maneira:

Lamelas-López L, Borges P A V (2023): Sampling of Azores seabirds with camera-traps - Year 2019. v1.2. Universidade dos Açores. Dataset/Samplingevent.


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O editor e o detentor dos direitos deste trabalho é Universidade dos Açores. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial (CC-BY-NC 4.0) License.

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Este recurso foi registrado no GBIF e atribuído ao seguinte GBIF UUID: 7fa446fd-caf6-43a4-83f6-b2cbb06c51c7.  Universidade dos Açores publica este recurso, e está registrado no GBIF como um publicador de dados aprovado por GBIF Portugal.


Biodiversity; Camera-traps; Invasive predators; Inventory; Oceanic Islands; Invasive predators


Lucas Lamelas-López
  • Provedor De Conteúdo
  • Provedor Dos Metadados
  • Originador
  • Ponto De Contato
  • Researcher
Centre for Ecology, Evolution and Environmental Changes (cE3c)/Azorean Biodiversity Group, CHANGE – Global Change and Sustainability Institute
  • Faculty of Agricultural Sciences and Environment, University of the Azores, Rua Capitão João d´Ávila, Pico da Urze
9700-149 Angra do Heroísmo
  • +351926685523
Paulo A. V. Borges
  • Provedor Dos Metadados
  • Originador
  • Ponto De Contato
  • Associate Professor
Centre for Ecology, Evolution and Environmental Changes (cE3c)/Azorean Biodiversity Group, CHANGE – Global Change and Sustainability Institute
  • Faculty of Agricultural Sciences and Environment, University of the Azores, Rua Capitão João d´Ávila, Pico da Urze
9700-042 Angra do Heroísmo
  • +351968933212

Cobertura Geográfica

The study was conducted in three Cory’s shearwater colonies, on Terceira island (total area: 400.2 km²; maximum elevation: 1021 m a.s.l; 27º 10' W, - 38º 40' N), which belong to the Azores archipelago (North Atlantic). Chanoca colony is located in southern coast of the island, and it is formed by cliffs and rocky bays, slightly covered by some herbaceous plants as sour fig Carpobrotus edulis. Raminho colony is located in the north-west, and it is characterized by cliffs dominated by low native, mainly composed by Erica azorica and Morella faya. Finally, the Agualva colony is located in the north of the island, and it consist in a rocky area scarcely covered by patches of native vegetation (Erica azorica).

Coordenadas delimitadoras Sul Oeste [38,631, -27,388], Norte Leste [38,819, -27,03]

Cobertura Taxonômica

The following Classes and Orders are covered: Aves: Procellariiformes, Columbiformes, Passeriformes; Mammalia: Carnivora, Lagomorpha, Rodentia; Reptilia: Squamata.

Class Aves (Birds), Mammalia (Mammals), Reptilia (Reptiles)
Ordem Procellariiformes (Petrels), Columbiformes (Doves), Passeriformes (Passerine), Carnivora (Carnivores), Lagomorpha (Rabbits), Rodentia (Rodents)

Cobertura Temporal

Data Inicial / Data final 2019-04-08 / 2019-10-23

Dados Sobre o Projeto

The Azores holds the largest population of Cory´s shearwater Calonectris borealis (Cory, 1881) in the world. One of the major threats of this species in the Azores is the predation by invasive mammals, which were introduced from European colonization of the islands. The present publication provides a data set from a camera-trapping survey performed in colonies of Cory’s shearwater. The sampling was conducted between 8 April and 23 October of 2019, covering the entire breeding season, in three colonies of the Terceira Island (Azores). A total of 32 nests were sampled using motion-triggered cameras. This publication aims to provide information about the ecological patterns of the Cory Shearwater, and to identify potential nest predators. This publication includes a total of 6972 records across 15 species (9 species of birds, 5 of mammals and 1 of reptiles), which 5414 records are of Cory’s shearwater, 478 of potential mammal predators and 1080 of another vertebrate species. Information about biology of the species is also provided, as species circadian behaviour and habitat description.

Título Surveying seabird colonies with camera traps: The impacts of invasive predators on Cory Shearwater
Identificador camera-trap_seabirds_2019
Financiamento LLL was supported by a grant from the Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia - FCT (SFRH/BD/115022/2016). It is now supported by by the project FCT-UIDB/00329/2020-2024 (Thematic Line 1 – integrated ecological assessment of environmental change on biodiversity) and also FCT-UIDP/00329/2020-2023.
Descrição da Área de Estudo The study was conducted in three Cory’s shearwater colonies, on Terceira island (total area: 400.2 km²; maximum elevation: 1021 m a.s.l; 27º 10' W, - 38º 40' N), which belong to the Azores archipelago (North Atlantic). Chanoca colony is located in southern coast of the island, and it is formed by cliffs and rocky bays, slightly covered by some herbaceous plants as sour fig Carpobrotus edulis. Raminho colony is located in the north-west, and it is characterized by cliffs dominated by low native, mainly composed by Erica azorica and Morella faya. Finally, the Agualva colony is located in the north of the island, and it consist in a rocky area scarcely covered by patches of native vegetation (Erica azorica).
Descrição do Design Motion-triggered infrared cameras (Bushnell Trophy HD, Moultrie 880i and 990i) were installed in the colonies at the beginning of the breeding season (e.g., Lamelas-López et al. 2020). We installed one camera per nest, which remain recording continuously until the final of the breeding season, or until the nest was abandoned or depredated, where the camera was moved to another nest. The cameras were deployed at 50-100 of the nest entrance. Cameras were configured to take 8 MB-photos, with 30 seconds of delay between them (Lamelas-López et al. 2021). Date and time were automatically recorded for each event. The nests were monitored each 10 days, in order to assess the nest condition, and replace the SD cards and the batteries of the cameras if necessary. The study comprised from 8 April and 23 October of 2019. The obtained photos were posteriorly analysed and identified by L.L.L.

O pessoal envolvido no projeto:

Métodos de Amostragem

Motion-triggered infrared cameras (Bushnell Trophy HD, Moultrie 880i and 990i) were installed in the colonies at the beginning of the breeding season (e.g., Lamelas-López et al. 2020). We installed one camera per nest, which remain recording continuously until the final of the breeding season, or until the nest was abandoned or depredated, where the camera was moved to another nest. The cameras were deployed at 50-100 of the nest entrance. Cameras were configured to take 8 MB-photos, with 30 seconds of delay between them (Lamelas-López et al. 2021). Date and time were automatically recorded for each event. The nests were monitored each 10 days, in order to assess the nest condition, and replace the SD cards and the batteries of the cameras if necessary. The study comprised from 8 April and 23 October of 2019. The obtained photos were posteriorly analysed and identified by L.L.L.

Área de Estudo The study was conducted in three Cory’s shearwater colonies, on Terceira island (total area: 400.2 km²; maximum elevation: 1021 m a.s.l; 27º 10' W, - 38º 40' N). Chanoca colony is located in southern coast of the island, and it is formed by cliffs and rocky bays, slightly covered by some herbaceous plants as sour fig Carpobrotus edulis. Raminho colony is located in the north-west, and it is characterized by cliffs dominated by low forests of native vegetation, mainly Erica azorica and Morella faya. Finally, the Agualva colony is located in the north of the island, and it consist in a rocky area scarcely covered by native vegetation (Erica azorica).
Controle de Qualidade All the Photos were carefully verified by the authors.

Descrição dos passos do método:

  1. Between 8 April and 23 October of 2019, a total of 32 camera-traps were installed in three Cory’s shearwater colonies on Terceira island, covering the entire breeding period. We searched occupied nests and installed a camera per nest, which remain recording continuously until the final of the breeding season, or until the nest was abandoned or depredated, where the camera was moved to another nest. Cameras were deployed at 50-100 cm of the nest entrance, and were programmed to take photos, which recorded date and time of the event. Nests were monitored each 10 days, in order to assess the nest condition and to replace the SD cards and batteries of the cameras. The obtained photos were posteriorly analysed and identified by L.L.L. The data has been published as a Darwin Core Archive (DwC-A), which is a standardised format for sharing biodiversity data as a set of one or more data tables. We provided an event data table, which contains 2976 records; and an occurrence data table, with 6972 records.

Citações bibliográficas

  1. Lamelas-Lopez, L., Pardavila, X., Amorim, I. R., & Borges, P. A. (2020). Wildlife inventory from camera-trapping surveys in the Azores (Pico and Terceira islands). Biodiversity data journal, 8.
  2. Lamelas-López, L., & Salgado, I. (2021). Applying camera traps to detect and monitor introduced mammals on oceanic islands. Oryx, 55(2), 181-188.

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Identificadores alternativos 7fa446fd-caf6-43a4-83f6-b2cbb06c51c7