The dataset contains records of bats (Chiroptera) collected in the lower valley of the River Tua and included in the Baseline (2008-2009) and Complementary (2010) Studies of the Environmental Impact Assessment of the Foz Tua Hydroelectric Dam, promoted by EDP – Energias de Portugal, S.A. Data were collected between November 2008 and April 2010 during field visits to 27 known or presumed bat roosts used for hibernation and/or reproduction, within a 15-km radius buffer around the Tua valley. The presence of individuals was recorded by direct observation. When the identification raised doubts, or the numbers were too high to allow individual examination, the specimens were photographed for later identification. The records include taxa identified at the species or genus level. In several occasions it was not possible to separate the potential species of the genus Myotis, so they were simply included in 2 “species complexes”: “large” Myotis (2 species) and “small” Myotis (5 species). Due to the vulnerability of the roost locations, the precision of the geographic coordinates was degraded to 0.01, according to the recommendations of Chapman & Grafton (2008). The dataset with the original (undegraded) coordinates may be provided upon request by the resource contact from EDP, who will define the terms and conditions for its use.
Los datos en este recurso de evento de muestreo han sido publicados como Archivo Darwin Core(DwC-A), el cual es un formato estándar para compartir datos de biodiversidad como un conjunto de una o más tablas de datos. La tabla de datos del core contiene 40 registros.
también existen 1 tablas de datos de extensiones. Un registro en una extensión provee información adicional sobre un registro en el core. El número de registros en cada tabla de datos de la extensión se ilustra a continuación.
Este IPT archiva los datos y, por lo tanto, sirve como repositorio de datos. Los datos y los metadatos del recurso están disponibles para su descarga en la sección descargas. La tabla versiones enumera otras versiones del recurso que se han puesto a disposición del público y permite seguir los cambios realizados en el recurso a lo largo del tiempo.
La siguiente tabla muestra sólo las versiones publicadas del recurso que son de acceso público.
¿Cómo referenciar?
Los usuarios deben citar este trabajo de la siguiente manera:
Batista S, Ribeiro S B, Geraldes P, Araújo P, Múrias T (2020): EDP Foz Tua: Bat Roosts - Baseline and Complementary Studies [2008-2010]. v1.2. EDP - Energias de Portugal. Dataset/Samplingevent.
Los usuarios deben respetar los siguientes derechos de uso:
El publicador y propietario de los derechos de este trabajo es EDP. Esta obra está bajo una licencia Creative Commons de Atribución/Reconocimiento (CC-BY 4.0).
Registro GBIF
Este recurso ha sido registrado en GBIF con el siguiente UUID: f8f60588-ccd0-4721-92c6-a330fb203344. EDP publica este recurso y está registrado en GBIF como un publicador de datos avalado por GBIF Portugal.
Palabras clave
occurrence; Bats; observation; hibernation; reproduction; roosts; Samplingevent
- Originador
- General Coordinator
- Rua Alfredo da Silva, 11B
- Originador
- Fieldwork Coordinator
- Rua Alfredo da Silva, 11B
- Originador
- Technician
- Rua Alfredo da Silva, 11B
- Originador
- Technician
- Proveedor De Los Metadatos
- Researcher
- Campus Agrário de Vairão
- Proveedor De Los Metadatos
- Campus Agrário de Vairão - Crasto
- Punto De Contacto
- Manager
- Av. 24 de Julho, 12, Torre Nascente, Piso 4
Cobertura geográfica
The data were collected within a 15-km buffer around the valley of the River Tua (Northeast Portugal), up to 50 km from the mouth, in the municipalities of Carrazeda de Ansiães, Vila Flor, Mirandela and Sabrosa.
Coordenadas límite | Latitud Mínima Longitud Mínima [41,17, -7,561], Latitud Máxima Longitud Máxima [41,529, -7,119] |
Cobertura taxonómica
The taxonomic coverage of this dataset spans 1 phylum, 1 class, 1 order, 3 families, 4 genus and 9 species positively identified.
Filo | Chordata |
Class | Mammalia |
Orden | Chiroptera |
Familia | Vespertilionidae, Miniopteridae, Rhinolophidae, Molossidae |
Cobertura temporal
Fecha Inicial / Fecha Final | 2008-11-07 / 2010-04-23 |
Datos del proyecto
The dataset contains records of bats (Chiroptera) collected in roosts along the lower Tua River, and included in the Baseline (2008-2009) and Complementary (2010) Studies of the Environmental Impact Assessment of the Foz Tua Hydroelectric Dam, promoted by EDP – Energias de Portugal, S.A. Data were collected between November 2008 and April 2010, during field visits to 27 known or presumed bat roosts (caves, mines, tunnels, bulidings, etc) used for hibernation and/or reproduction, within a 15-km buffer around the River Tua lower valley. The occurrence of the target taxa was documented through 907 observation events. In total, 11 taxa were identified, of which nine to the species rank and one to the genus rank. The “species complexes” of Myotis could potentially add 2 more species to the list. The most common species (>100 records) were Miniopterus schreibersii (357 records) and Myotis nattereri (207 records). The species complex of the “large” Myotis (Myotis myotis and M. blythii), with 120 records, was also significant. Due to the vulnerability of the roost locations, the precision of the geographic coordinates was degraded to 0.01.
Título | EDP Foz Tua: Bat Roosts - Baseline and Complementary Studies [2008-2010] |
Identificador | EDP Biodiversity Data |
Fuentes de Financiación | The work was funded by EDP - Energias de Portugal, S.A. |
Descripción del área de estudio | The study was conducted in part of the sub-basin of river Tua, prior to the construction and subsequent flooding of the lower part of this river’s valley by the Foz-Tua Hydroelectric Dam. The sampling included all known and presumed roosts located in the flooded area and those found in a 15 km radius buffer around the future reservoir banks (caves, mines, tunnels, buildings, etc.), and up to a length of about 50 km from the Tua mouth. |
Descripción del diseño | The objective of the study was do document the usage of known and presumed bat roosts in the Tua lower valley before the dam construction, and to gather quality data to support the design and implementation of mitigation and/or compensation measures. |
Personas asociadas al proyecto:
- Autor
- Autor
- Autor
- Autor
- Proveedor De Los Metadatos
Métodos de muestreo
Sampling was designed to cover all known and presumed bat roosts in the study area, including railroad tunnels, caves, mines, wells and all sorts of abandoned or little used buildings. A place was considered to be a roost when the presence of bats was confirmed, either by direct observations or by indirect evidences (eg., faeces, urine stains, etc.). Each roost was visited once in winter (January-February, hibernation period) and once in spring (April, reproduction period) of 2010. In 2008-2009, only a subset of the sites (railroad tunnels) were visited. All potential roosts were searched for the presence of bat colonies by two observers, which recorded all individuals of each species detected. The time spent in each refuge varied according to the number of bats present, and the accessibility conditions. Species identification were usually made “in loco”, with the aid of head-torches, binoculars and field guides. When the visual identification raised doubts, or the numbers present were too large to be identified in a suitable time, photographs were taken to be identified later. Sometimes, reliable counts were not possible (e.g. due to the packing of the groups), so only the presence of the species was recorded.
Área de Estudio | The data were collected within a 15-km buffer around the Tua lower valley (Northeast Portugal), up to 50 km from the mouth, in the municipalities of Carrazeda de Ansiães, Vila Flor, Alijó, Mirandela and Sabrosa. |
Control de Calidad | All individual identifications were performed by qualified technicians |
Descripción de la metodología paso a paso:
- To be completed
Referencias bibliográficas
- Chapman AD & Grafton O (2008) Guide to Best Practices for Generalising Sensitive Species-Occurrence Data. Copenhagen: GBIF Secretariat.
Metadatos adicionales
Propósito | This dataset is part of a broader initiative whereby the company EDP - Energias de Portugal S.A. will made available biodiversity data collected during impact assessment and biological monitoring studies. |
Descripción de mantenimiento | This resource will be regularly checked for accuracy. |
Identificadores alternativos | f8f60588-ccd0-4721-92c6-a330fb203344 | |