Arthropod communities of island vs. mainland coastal grasslands: São Miguel Island (Azores) and Mainland Portugal

Sampling event Specimen
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The present work provides an inventory of the arthropods recorded in two distinct coastal grasslands ecosystems: São Miguel Island (Azores Archipelago), and Setúbal district on Portugal mainland (Sesimbra and Sines regions). Thirthy-one plots were selected (13 on São Miguel island, 13 across Sesimbra region, and 6 on Sines region). The plots were visited four times, between spring and summer 2022. A total of 13,515 arthropod specimens were collected (Azores = 7,861; Mainland = 5,654), belonging to 534 species and morphospecies. In the Azores, 210 species and morphospecies belonging to three classes were collected: Arachnida (22), Diplopoda (1), and Insecta (187). On the mainland a total of 391 species and morphospecies were collected, belonging to two classes: Arachnida (55), and Insecta (336). In total, 67 species were common between the two studied areas.


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Calado H R M G, Borges P A V, Heleno R, Soares A O (2024). Arthropod communities of island vs. mainland coastal grasslands: São Miguel Island (Azores) and Mainland Portugal. Version 1.2. Universidade dos Açores. Samplingevent dataset.



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Samplingevent; Arthropods; Azores; mainland Portugal; coastal grasslands; sweeping netting.; Specimen


Hugo Renato M. G. Calado
  • 出處
  • Researcher
University of the Azores, cE3c- Centre for Ecology, Evolution and Environmental Changes/Azorean Biodiversity Group, CHANGE – Global Change and Sustainability Institute, Faculty of Science and Technology
  • Rua da Mãe de Deus
9500-321 Ponta Delgada
  • 295402200
Paulo A. V. Borges
  • 元數據提供者
  • 出處
  • 連絡人
  • 研究主持人
  • Associate Professor
Centre for Ecology, Evolution and Environmental Changes (cE3c)/Azorean Biodiversity Group, CHANGE – Global Change and Sustainability Institute
  • School of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, University of the Azores, Rua Capitão João d´Ávila, Pico da Urze
9700-042 Angra do Heroísmo
  • 295402200
Ruben Heleno
  • 出處
  • Researcher
Centre for Functional Ecology, Associate Laboratory TERRA, Department of Life Sciences, University of Coimbra
  • Calçada Martim de Freitas
3000-456 Coimbra
António O. Soares
  • 出處
  • Auxiliary Professor
University of the Azores, cE3c- Centre for Ecology, Evolution and Environmental Changes/Azorean Biodiversity Group, CHANGE – Global Change and Sustainability Institute, Faculty of Science and Technology
  • Rua da Mãe de Deus
9500-321 Ponta Delgada


São Miguel Island and Portugal coastal area at Setubal Peninsula

界定座標範圍 緯度南界 經度西界 [37.614, -26.06], 緯度北界 經度東界 [38.959, -8.306]


Phylum Arthropoda: Classe Arachnida: Order Araneae, Order Opiliones; Classe Diplopoda: Order Julida; Classe Insecta: Coleoptera, Diptera, Hemiptera, Hymenoptera, Lepidoptera, Mantodea, Neuroptera, Orthoptera, Phasmida, Psocodea, Thysanoptera

Phylum Arthropoda (Arthropods)


起始日期 / 結束日期 2022-03-03 / 2022-07-28


The present work provides an inventory of the arthropods recorded in two distinct coastal grasslands ecosystems: São Miguel Island (Azores Archipelago), and Setúbal district on Portugal mainland (Sesimbra and Sines regions). Thirthy-one plots were selected (13 on São Miguel island, 13 across Sesimbra region, and 6 on Sines region).

計畫名稱 Phenotypic Plasticity of Pest and Biological Control Agents: Contrasting Mainland and Insular Coastal Ecosystems
經費來源 HRMGC was funded by the Regional FRCT Ph.D. Grant M3.1.a/F/012/2021: Phenotypic Plasticity of Pest and Biological Control Agents: Contrasting Mainland and Insular Coastal Ecosystems. AOS and PAVB were also funded by the projects Pluriannual Funding FCT-UIDB/00329/2020-2024 - DOI 10.54499/UIDB/00329/2020 (Thematic Line 1 – integrated ecological assessment of environmental change on biodiversity), Azores DRCT Pluriannual Funding (M1.1.A/FUNC.UI&D/010/2021-2024) and PAVB by the project AZORESBIOPORTAL – PORBIOTA (ACORES-01-0145-FEDER-000072.
研究區域描述 The study was conducted on the coastal grasslands of the São Miguel Inland (Azores Archipelago – North Atlantic) and Portugal Mainland (Setúbal district – Sesimbra and Sines regions). The Azores are of volcanic origin and have a mild, oceanic climate with relatively stable temperatures and high humidity throughout the year, occasional rainfall, and the possibility of fog and persistent winds, mainly during winter and autumn. São Miguel is situated in the oriental islands group (37.7804, -25.4970) and is the largest archipelago island with 746.8 km² and a maximum altitude above sea level of 1103 meters. Mainland Portugal, on the other hand, is located in southwestern Europe, and is confined between parallels 37°N and 42°N and within the relatively narrow meridional band that develops between 6.5°W and 9.5°W.The Setúbal district is located south of Lisbon, between parallels 37°N and 39°N. Sesimbra is c. 30 km south of Lisbon and have an area of 194,98 km² whereas Sines is located c. 150 km south of Lisbon and have an area of 195,47 km².
研究設計描述 For this study, thirty-one plots were visited in coastal grasslands. Plots were chosen in both regions to have a similar general substrate (rocky), latitude, and elevation. For the arthropod capture, a sweeping net was used. All selected plots were visited four times between spring and summer 2022. All material captured was preserved in flasks with ethyl alcohol (99.8%) and sent to the lab for further identification.


Paulo A. V. Borges
António O. Soares
Ruben Heleno
  • 作者
Hugo Renato M. G. Calado
  • 作者


Sweeping nets were used to collect arthropods (which included spiders, true bugs, ants, beetles, and other insects) on both coastal grasslands (in the Azores and on Portugal's mainland). In each plot, a random sweeping section was carried out, using a nylon mosquito net of 40 cm in diameter, 50 cm in length, and 0.25 mm mesh. For each section, an effort of 15 minutes was applied (3 minutes sweeping and 12 minutes for processing and labelling the collected material). All collected specimens were placed in flasks with 99,8% ethyl alcohol for later sorting and identification. In the laboratory, all arthropod specimens were sorted into different morphospecies and stored in 2ml Eppendorf tubes with 99,8% ethyl alcohol. For each morphospecies three exemplars were selected and photographed, using a LEICA S9i stereo microscope with LAS X, to create a photographic database to facilitate taxonomic identification. The Senior author (Paulo A.V. Borges) identified all morphospecies of the Azorean samples, to species level, when possible. All species collected in the Azores were categorized into three colonization categories following the last checklist of Azorean arthropods (Borges et al., 2022): endemic, native non-endemic, and introduced. In some cases, the colonization status was undetermined. A database for both events and occurrences were created using the Darwin Core criteria.

研究範圍 For sampling, an area of 2500 m2 (0.25 ha) was defined for each plot selected. The thirteen plots on São Miguel Island and the eighteen on Portugal's mainland, distributed across the Setúbal district (Sesimbra – 12; Sines – 6) were visited for four times, between spring and summer of 2024. A total of 121 samples were collected (50 in São Miguel and 71 on Portugal’s mainland).
品質控管 After collection, specimens were stored in ethyl alcohol (99,8%). All specimens, adults and larvae, were sorted in a laboratory by Hugo Renato M. G. Calado who organized the collection in a system of morphospecies.


  1. We used standard checklists for taxonomic nomenclature (Borges et al. 2022)


蒐藏名稱 Renato_PhD (PHEPLA)
標本保存方法 Alcohol


  1. Borges, P.A.V., Lamelas-Lopez, L., Andrade, R., Lhoumeau, S., Vieira, V., Soares, A.O., Borges, I., Boieiro, M., Cardoso, P., Crespo, L.C.F., Karsholt, O., Schülke, M., Serrano, A.R.M., Quartau, J.A. & Assing, V. (2022). An updated checklist of Azorean arthropods (Arthropoda). Biodiversity Data Journal, 10: e97682 10.3897/BDJ.10.e97682


替代的識別碼 e89bf514-a8bd-4659-adda-19d991dd780b