Mountain ecosystems are crucial for biodiversity conservation since they host high biodiversity. This study reports novel information on odonate species diversity, distribution and abundance from Serra da Estrela Natural Park (Portugal). Twenty six odonate species were sampled in this protected area, including the first finding of Macromia splendens (Pictet, 1843). New populations of Oxygastra curtisii (Dale, 1834), a protected species under the Habitats Directive, was found in this Natural Park and novel distribution and ecological data was collected for most species, including several rare species (e.g., Aeshna juncea (Linnaeus, 1758), Sympetrum flaveolum (Linnaeus, 1758)). All data were collected using standardised sampling allowing its use as baseline for long-term monitoring of Serra da Estrela mountain biodiversity.
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Данные этого sampling event ресурса были опубликованы в виде Darwin Core Archive (DwC-A), который является стандартным форматом для обмена данными о биоразнообразии в виде набора из одной или нескольких таблиц. Основная таблица данных содержит 172 записей.
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Как оформить ссылку
Исследователи должны дать ссылку на эту работу следующим образом:
Boieiro M, Antunes S, Figueiredo H, Soares A, Lopes A, Monteiro E, Garcia Pereira P, Rego C, Conde J, Borges P A V, Serrano A R M (2023): Standardised sampling of odonates (Odonata) in Serra da Estrela (Portugal) - 2013 and 2014. v1.6. Universidade dos Açores. Dataset/Samplingevent. http://ipt.gbif.pt/ipt/resource?r=odonata_estrela_portugal&v=1.6
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Публикующей организацией и владельцем прав на данную работу является Universidade dos Açores. Эта работа находится под лицензией Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial (CC-BY-NC 4.0).
Регистрация в GBIF
Этот ресурс был зарегистрирован в GBIF, ему был присвоен следующий UUID: cbb78799-948b-4011-9842-559d9a7e7fb0. Universidade dos Açores отвечает за публикацию этого ресурса, и зарегистрирован в GBIF как издатель данных при оподдержке GBIF Portugal.
Ключевые слова
Samplingevent; dragonflies; damselflies; mountain biodiversity; mountain lakes; mountain streams; protected areas
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Географический охват
The study was caried out in Serra da Estrela and its surroundings.
Ограничивающие координаты | Юг Запад [40,065, -8,015], Север Восток [40,622, -7,394] |
Таксономический охват
The Odonata were identified to species.
Order | Odonata (Dragonflies and damselflies) |
Временной охват
Дата начала / Дата окончания | 2013-05-01 / 2014-11-30 |
Данные проекта
The project aimed the study of the terrestrial arthropod biodiversity of Serra da Estrela, targeting selected taxonomic groups, and the assessment of the factors that drive species abundance and distribution.
Название | Biodiversity, endemic and protected species associated to mountain lakes and streams of Serra da Estrela |
Идентификатор | Fundo EDP para a Biodioversidade 2011 - Serra da Estrela |
Финансирование | This work was financed by Energias de Portugal (EDP) Fund for Biodiversity 2011 through project "Biodiversidade, endemismos e espécies protegidas associadas às lagoas e cursos de água da Serra da Estrela: valorização de um século de aproveitamento hidroeléctrico". Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia supported MB by contract DL57/2016/CP1375/CT0001. |
Описание района исследования | The study took place in Serra da Estrela, the highest mountain in Continental Portugal (with 1997m). Serra da Estrela includes the western extreme of the Iberian Central System which is considered one of the main mountain systems in the Iberian Peninsula. Serra da Estrela is classified as Natural Park since 1976, is part of the Natura 2000 network, and its upper areas are included in the Ramsar Convention. All study sites are included in the Serra da Estrela Natural Park, encompassing a considerable elevation gradient and habitat diversity. The study area is characterized by Atlantic and Mediterranean climates and different biogeographic regions, being an important area for biodiversity conservation, particularly for montane species. |
Описание плана выполнения исследований | Sampling took place in three main habitat-types, namely mountain streams, mountain lakes and montane vegetation. We sampled the margins of three mountain streams (Fervença, Caniça and Loriga) at three elevation levels (approximately 500, 1000 and 1500m) and 18 mountain lakes (including both natural and artificial lakes), most of them located in the Central Plateau of Serra da Estrela. Odonates were also sampled from 12 sites of representative montane vegetation of Serra da Estrela, including Juniperus- and Genista-dominated scrublands and Narduus-dominated grasslands. Overall, 39 sites were sampled during this study. |
Исполнители проекта:
Методы сбора
Odonates were sampled using a standardised methodology to ensure the possibility of biodiversity data comparison between study sites and to set a reference for mountain biodiversity monitoring in Serra da Estrela Natural Park. Insect sampling followed the Pollard and Yates methodology (Pollard and Yates 1993): a 150m linear transect was set in each study site and adult insects of the target groups were recorded when observed at a distance of up to 5m ahead from the researcher and 2.5m for each side. The insects were captured with the help of a sweeping net only in case of need to confirm their species identity, being immediately released afterwards. Sampling was carried out between 10 a.m.-6 p.m. and under favourable climatic conditions (i.e., sampling was not performed under rainy, windy, cloudy and hot weather conditions). The data were collected during the seasonal peak of activity of adult odonates in Serra da Estrela in two consecutive years (2013 and 2014).
Охват исследования | The study was carried out in Serra da Estrela Natural Park encompassing the elevation gradient and the variety of habitats of this protected area. |
Контроль качества | Odonates were identified by trained taxonomists (Albano Soares, Hugo Figueiredo and Sandra Antunes) during fieldwork. |
Описание этапа методики:
- Insect sampling followed the Pollard and Yates methodology (Pollard and Yates 1993): a 150m linear transect was set in each study site and adult insects of the target groups were recorded when observed at a distance of up to 5m ahead from the researcher and 2.5m for each side.
Библиографические ссылки
- Serrano, ARM, Soares, A, Silva, A, Fonseca, A, Bívar de Sousa, A, Figueiredo, A, Rego, C, Aguiar, CAS, Monteiro, E, Figueiredo, H, Conde, J, Boieiro, M, Garcia Pereira, P, Borges, PAV, Cardoso, P, Antunes, S, Lopes, S, Correia, T & V Simões (2014) Biodiversidade, endemismos e espécies protegidas associadas às lagoas e cursos de água da Serra da Estrela: valorização de um século de aproveitamento hidroeléctrico - Relatório final. Fundo EDP para a Biodiversidade 2011, Lisboa.
Дополнительные метаданные
Альтернативные идентификаторы | cbb78799-948b-4011-9842-559d9a7e7fb0 |
http://ipt.gbif.pt/ipt/resource?r=odonata_estrela_portugal |