Azorean biodiversity has become relatively well understood thanks to significant scientific contributions over the past three decades. This research has produced a comprehensive arthropod species checklist for the archipelago, greatly advancing knowledge of species abundance, ecology, and distribution. It has also informed conservation management and research priorities. However, a key functional group—pollinators—remains poorly studied in the Azores. Little is known about their presence across various habitats and islands in the archipelago. Insect pollinators are essential for maintaining ecological balance and provide invaluable ecosystem services, making it crucial to gather basic data on their abundance, distribution, and ecology, as well as insights into the status of their populations. Such information is essential for ensuring the long-term sustainability of terrestrial ecosystems. Additionally, island ecosystems are increasingly impacted by land use changes, climate change, and the introduction of alien species, highlighting an urgent need to assess how these pressures affect pollinators and the process of pollination across the Azores. Here, we present an inventory of pollinator species found across various habitat types on Terceira, covering a gradient of disturbance across 30 sites distributed throughout the island. We identified 2,549 pollinators representing 40 species, primarily from the Diptera and Hymenoptera orders, and recorded new information on species distribution and ecological associations. Many of the taxa are native, including three Azorean endemics, although 14 species are alien to the archipelago. Notably, our use of standardized sampling techniques enabled a comparative analysis of their effectiveness, and, more importantly, the data collected will aid in assessing the impacts of human activities on pollinator abundance and diversity, supporting informed habitat management decisions for pollinator conservation in the Azores.
データ レコード
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拡張データ テーブルは1 件存在しています。拡張レコードは、コアのレコードについての追加情報を提供するものです。 各拡張データ テーブル内のレコード数を以下に示します。
この IPT はデータをアーカイブし、データ リポジトリとして機能します。データとリソースのメタデータは、 ダウンロード セクションからダウンロードできます。 バージョン テーブルから公開可能な他のバージョンを閲覧でき、リソースに加えられた変更を知ることができます。
Boieiro M, Oliveira R, Costa R, Borges P A V (2024). Unveiling Azorean Pollinators: A Critical Step for Biodiversity and Conservation. Version 1.2. Universidade dos Açores. Samplingevent dataset. http://ipt.gbif.pt/ipt/resource?r=pollinators_terceira&v=1.2
パブリッシャーとライセンス保持者権利者は Universidade dos Açores。 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY 4.0) License.
このリソースをはGBIF と登録されており GBIF UUID: db765f95-20f4-49ef-8fe4-b57228200a2eが割り当てられています。 GBIF Portugal によって承認されたデータ パブリッシャーとして GBIF に登録されているUniversidade dos Açores が、このリソースをパブリッシュしました。
Occurrence; alien species; flower visitors; island biodiversity; island endemics; generalist species; Macaronesia; pastures; Specimen
- メタデータ提供者 ●
- 最初のデータ採集者 ●
- 連絡先
- Researcher
- School of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, University of the Azores, Rua Capitão João d´Ávila, Pico da Urze
- 最初のデータ採集者
- Researcher
- Rua Capitão João d´Ávila, Pico da Urze
- 最初のデータ採集者
- Researcher
- School of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, University of the Azores, Rua Capitão João d´Ávila, Pico da Urze
- データ提供者 ●
- メタデータ提供者 ●
- 最初のデータ採集者 ●
- 連絡先
- Associate Professor
- School of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, University of the Azores, Rua Capitão João d´Ávila, Pico da Urze
- +351968933212
The study was carried out in Terceira (Azores Archipelago, Portugal)
座標(緯度経度) | 南 西 [38.613, -27.383], 北 東 [38.814, -27.021] |
The study targeted the local flower visitors, specifically the insect groups often considered to be the most important pollinators, like bees, bumblebees, ants and wasps (Hymenoptera), butterflies and moths (Lepidoptera), beetles (Coleoptera), and larger-size flies (Diptera). Other arthropod groups are also included as bycatch.
Phylum | Arthropoda (artropods) |
Order | Hymenoptera (bees, bumblebees, ants and wasps), Lepidoptera (butterflies and moths), Diptera (flies) |
開始日 / 終了日 | 2023-07-26 / 2023-09-07 |
Here, we present an inventory of pollinator species found across various habitat types on Terceira, covering a gradient of disturbance across 30 sites distributed throughout the island. We identified 2,549 pollinators representing 40 species, primarily from the Diptera and Hymenoptera orders, and recorded new information on species distribution and ecological associations. Many of the taxa are native, including three Azorean endemics, although 14 species are alien to the archipelago. Notably, our use of standardized sampling techniques enabled a comparative analysis of their effectiveness, and, more importantly, the data collected will aid in assessing the impacts of human activities on pollinator abundance and diversity, supporting informed habitat management decisions for pollinator conservation in the Azores
タイトル | Pollinator abundance and diversity in different habitat-types of Terceira Island (Azores, Portugal) |
ファンデイング | Main funding for research and fieldwork was obtained from FCT-UIDB/00329/2020-2024 DOI 10.54499/UIDB/00329/2020 (Thematic Line 1 – integrated ecological assessment of environmental change on biodiversity) and Azores DRCT Pluriannual Funding (M1.1.A/FUNC.UI&D/010/2021-2024). Data curation and open access of this manuscript were supported by the project: FCT-UIDB/00329/2020-2024 DOI 10.54499/UIDB/00329/2020. |
Study Area Description | The study was carried out in Terceira (Azores Archipelago, Portugal) and covered three different habitat-types of this island (intensive pastures, semi-natural pastures and naturalized vegetation). The different habitat-types correspond to a gradient of human disturbance from intensive pastures (most disturbed) to naturalized vegetation (less disturbed). Thirty sampling sites (10 per habitat-type) were selected throughout the island to sample the pollinators. |
研究の意図、目的、背景など(デザイン) | In this study, we employed three sampling techniques: observing pollinators along 50-meter linear transects, pan trapping, and vegetation sweeping. Sampling was conducted across the 30 study sites on sunny or partly cloudy days, with no rain and minimal wind, as these conditions are optimal for observing pollinators. |
- 論文著者
- 論文著者
- 論文著者
- 論文著者
Transect sampling was conducted along 50-meter linear transects, 2 meters wide (100 m² per site), between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. Each transect was walked at a consistent pace, and pollinators found on flowers or in flight were identified on the spot whenever possible. If identification to species level was not feasible in the field, specimens were captured for taxonomic confirmation in the laboratory. Pan trapping involved placing two sets of traps at each site, approximately 50 meters apart—one at the start and the other at the end of each transect. Pan traps, designed to attract and capture pollinators, are colored to appeal to different groups and were active during peak insect activity. Each set consisted of three plastic containers (11 cm in diameter) in blue, white, and yellow to optimize capture diversity. Traps were filled with water mixed with a few drops of detergent and positioned at the average flower height at each site. They remained in place from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m., after which insects were collected and transported to the laboratory. Vegetation sweeping was conducted along the same 50-meter transects using a 36 cm diameter entomological net, allowing for the collection of cryptic pollinator species. This technique was applied at all transect sampling sites. Collected insects were placed in vials containing 96% ethanol for later identification in the laboratory
Study Extent | The study was carried out in Terceira (Azores Archipelago, Portugal) and covered three different habitat-types of this island (intensive pastures, semi-natural pastures and naturalized vegetation). The different habitat-types correspond to a gradient of human disturbance from intensive pastures (most disturbed) to naturalized vegetation (less disturbed). Thirty sampling sites (10 per habitat-type) were selected throughout the island to sample the pollinators |
Quality Control | During transect sampling many individuals (e.g. butterflies and hoverflies) were identified to species level on the spot due to their characteristic morphological features. However, most individuals were collected with the help of an entomological net, labelled and stored in vials with ethanol (96%). |
Method step description:
- The samples with specimens collected in pan traps and captured by sweeping were labelled, stored in vials with ethanol and transported to the laboratory. In the laboratory, the specimens of the target groups were sorted and identified to species level with the help of a stereomicroscope (Leica S9i) and using specific literature.
コレクション名 | Entomoteca Dalberto Teixeira Pombo (DTP) |
コレクション識別子 | DTP |
標本保存方法 | Alcohol, Dried |
代替識別子 | db765f95-20f4-49ef-8fe4-b57228200a2e |
http://ipt.gbif.pt/ipt/resource?r=pollinators_terceira |